The appearance of a “young face” is intimately linked to the appearance of one’s skin and corresponding hair structures. “The skin we’re in” has been a pinnacle of youth long before we understood the other deeper mechanisms of aging. Moreover, the skin envelope remains the most focused subject of all consumers of any age. The knowledge of basic dermatology is absolutely critical for any aspiring or practicing aesthetic doctor or nurse. Such knowledge allows proper diagnosis, administration, and maintenance of any aesthetic procedure as well as necessary supervision of lower tier aesthetic practitioners within a medical/dental spa.
Our course includes didactic lectures and practical sessions that provide necessary information for aesthetic operators in conjunction with applicable treatment modalities. The dermatology basics are also logically intertwined with a detailed review of "cosmeceuticals:" a hybrid field of clinical application of OTC "cosmetic" products while incorporating stronger biologically active ingredients and even prescription controlled substances into the formulations designed to achieve and/or maintain better antiaging, regenerative, stimulative, protective and anti-inflammatory effects.
Dental doctors are especially encouraged to attend this course considering the fact that multiple common skin conditions manifest themselves on the mucosa of the oral cavity or skin of the perioral area.
The course consists of:
a. Microanatomy of the skin; epidermis and dermis; pilosebaceous unit